About Limmer Coin

No Need to Be in Doubts about Your Trading Career When You Have a Platform That Makes It So Easy to Start

How It All Began

The founder of Limmer Coin had this dream since Bitcoin came out to educate others on this amazing crypto asset, how it worked, and how they could trade it. However, he just couldn’t figure out the right channel to communicate his knowledge with other people. He tried several social networks to talk to the audience but online chats and comments would only go so far.

He finally realized that he had to come up with a trading platform that he could offer as a service to the people. He also didn’t want to intimibrte new traders by putting a huge price tag on his offerings. Moreover, he always believes in creating a platform that allows traders to keep control of their trades. His dreams finally turned into reality when he worked with a team of developers to finally create Limmer Coin in 2017.

A lot of the work in the initial months was focused on making the platform user-friendly. It took several months to design everything in such a way that even a first timer could use it within a few minutes of learning. While not the biggest in the industry, Limmer Coin soon established itself as a known trading platform for traders from all backgrounds.

The Vision of Limmer Coin Team

The vision of this platform is to be that one place where traders can quickly, efficiently, and easily begin their trading journey and find the best Bitcoin and other crypto trading pairs at their disposal. It brings them ease in the form of technologically advanced platform features, a quick trading process, and complete riddance from the hassle of watching the markets all the time.

The Mission of Limmer Coin Team

The team wants to stick to its mission that it had in the early years of this platform’s inception. The mission was to keep adding better and more improved features to make online Bitcoin trading easier than ever for traders of all backgrounds. Limmer Coin continues to be tenacious with this mission to this day.